
Write. Share. Give.

I am currently finishing my last grad class to become a literacy coach.  For our final project I am working with an elementary special ed teacher and a high school special ed teacher.  I am a fifth grade writing teacher.  We have to do a presentation for a Spring Learning Fair at the college.  Our presentation is Creating the Habits of a Growth Mindset.  We have done lots of research on this topic and have been using it in classrooms.  One of the pieces of research came from  The Mind Up  through the Goldie Hawn Foundation. I read the book 10 Minutes of Mindfulness and I have put it into practice the past 3 months.  Every night when I climb into bed I set a meditation app for 10 minutes which helps me to calm my brain and fall asleep.In the morning I do the same thing when I wake up. I meditate for 10 minutes.  It has helped me to be much calmer and has helped me to be more purposeful and focused.

About showgem

I am a wife, a mother, a fifth grade writing teacher, a sister, a daughter, a sibling, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a co-worker, a yoga practitioner, a learner, a reader and a writer.
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3 Responses to Bedtime

  1. Ramona says:

    I like any book that includes 10 Minutes in the title. 10 minutes seems doable and I love that you’ve been doing it for three months. Curious about what app you used. Good luck with your final project!

  2. Beth Scanlon says:

    I am a literacy coach and we started the year with a mindset unit and need to work harder next year to revisit it. We got sidetracked. I will have to check out your book too.

  3. Amy says:

    Thank you for sharing. I could definitely use a dose of mindfulness and meditation. I will be looking into the app and books! I wish you well with your class.

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