Biting Dragonflies

March Slice of Life

March Slice of Life

I love our school librarian, Liza.  Often we sit together during faculty meetings and it usually leads to some antics.  The meeting was about rigor and the staff was asked to watch a video of a teacher asking her first graders what the author wanted them to learn about bugs.  The students conversation mostly centered around the students talking about dragonflies eating mosquitoes which helps to keep us safe from malaria.  Liza whispered to me that dragonflies bite.  I laughed, I thought she was joking.  She works a summer camp and she said she has been bitten many times by these ferocious insects.  I laughed.  The next thing I knew she presented me with a highlighted  article on her phone about dragonflies biting,  I read it and sure enough it was true.  I read past the highlighted part and the article went on to say they only bite when they are provoked.  Another teacher was in on the convesation which added to the back and forth light -hearted teasing.  I can always count on her to brighten my day.

About showgem

I am a wife, a mother, a fifth grade writing teacher, a sister, a daughter, a sibling, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a co-worker, a yoga practitioner, a learner, a reader and a writer.
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3 Responses to Biting Dragonflies

  1. lgrainger125 says:

    Faculty meetings often have a side agenda at our grade level as well. The prescribed agenda isn’t the only learning going on. I love how you wrote about reading beyond the highlighted part.

  2. jhaworthoy says:

    Wow…I did not know that. They looks so beautiful and graceful! That is what I like about the Slice….I learn something every day.

  3. I’m glad a colleague brightened your day. That is important.

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