Basement Stuff

Our basement has been well ordered for about a year.  Over a year ago my daughter brought all of her things from her large apartment in Boston.  She was off to live in NH temporarily.  It gave me the opportunity to organize different areas of our basement.  My husband has an “electronics closet” in our basement.  I moved most of my daughter’s boxes to that closet and the remainder I put in our laundry room since we have a few shelves that were vacant and I reorganized everything.

Latest update: Last weekend she brought more things including her mattress and boxspring. I can’t exactly “hide” those things since they are a bit large. In addition she has accumulated more things that are now overtaking the  finished basement.  She will be in her new location in PA until November.  It’s highly likely we will be be the “movers” who will be delivering some of her things. We have had lots of experience in this department with both of our daughters.  In the  meantime I try to think positively, that it is nice to be surrounded by memories of her.  At least that is the way I am trying to look at it.

About showgem

I am a wife, a mother, a fifth grade writing teacher, a sister, a daughter, a sibling, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a co-worker, a yoga practitioner, a learner, a reader and a writer.
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2 Responses to Basement Stuff

  1. mrssurridge says:

    My mom is still storing things for me after 30 years. It gives me an excuse to go home and it gives her an excuse to have me leave with a box.

  2. Rita K. says:

    With five grown kids, I can totally understand where you are coming from. Guess it’s all part of parenthood!

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