Sign of Spring?

March Slice of Life

March Slice of Life

We had a snow day the other day.  My husband decided to work from home.  He was looking out our window  at the bird feeder early in the morning and saw a bluebird on our feeder.  It was the first time we have ever seen bluebirds in our yard. All day long there were four males and one female.  The goldfinches were attempting to get some seed, but the bluebirds just hung out on the perches.  Could it be a sign of spring?


About showgem

I am a wife, a mother, a fifth grade writing teacher, a sister, a daughter, a sibling, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a co-worker, a yoga practitioner, a learner, a reader and a writer.
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5 Responses to Sign of Spring?

  1. I do think Spring will come. I like the image of the birds announcing it and giving us hope!
    It has been a long, cold winter and I’m ready for springtime! I bet the birds are, too!

  2. msosterman49 says:

    These are wonderful pictures and can only mean Spring is near by…I suppose it depends on where you are located! I hope our Cherry Blossoms bloom before the festival is over!

  3. aileenhower says:

    Thank you so much for posting the pictures with your writing. How precious! Thinking spring with you!

  4. Jaana says:

    Right now I will take anything as a sign of spring! I am desperate! Bluebirds are much more beautiful than puddles everywhere as spring thaw proceeds!

  5. I love bluebirds! Yes, definitely a sign of spring!

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