
As a child I moved five times by the time I graduated high school.  I was very shy and to go along with that I did not have a very stable family life where I could invite friends or trust that someone would remember to pick me up if I went to a friends house.  I managed to have friends, but none that I confided in.  I was okay with that.

Today driving home from work I rehashed the day and one of the things I caught myself dwelling on was a conversation I had with one of my teacher friends. We were talking about a movie and we both shared how we grew up with problem families that never talked about their problems.  We laughed knowing that we could share that with each other.    What a great feeling.


About showgem

I am a wife, a mother, a fifth grade writing teacher, a sister, a daughter, a sibling, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a co-worker, a yoga practitioner, a learner, a reader and a writer.
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8 Responses to Friendship

  1. My friends have been the glue that kept me from unraveling. So glad you have a chance to experience grown up friendship.

  2. Sally J. says:

    It’s great to have people like this that you can share these things with!

  3. newtreemom says:

    A friend who understands is a treasure

  4. Jenny says:

    It’s hard finding true friendships anymore. I’m glad you are luck to have one 🙂

  5. Leigh Anne says:

    My 21 year old daughter and I have been having many conversations about friends. Her friends seem to be changing, and I told her that she will have many different groups of friends as she goes through life and her high school friends may not be as important as they were before. Your story is a true example of this.

  6. blkdrama says:

    That’s tough moving so often. I am a product of one small town from birth to hs graduation and then back again to teach in the school I grew up in. So good that you can share those experiences with a good friend.

  7. bp9614 says:

    That is a wonderful story! I am glad that you had the chance to experience that and I hope that you get the chance to more often as well. I find it very nice when you realize and are able to think back on connections that you have with people.

  8. Kadie B. says:

    How awesome! Friendship really is a beautiful thing. Thank you so much for sharing your story!

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