Reflections on the Year

Due to the job market our youngest daughter moved back home with us.It was an adjustment for all of us. I am not a fan of clutter.  Our daughter is best friends with clutter.  At times our home was not a place of serenity.  There were some amazing shopping excursions with great discounts.  It was nice having three at the dinner table.  This will all change with the new year. She has a job and an apartment in New York (where she has wanted to live for a long time).  We are in CT so this is great.  One daughter in Boston the other in NY.

This year ended last week with my mother-in-law’s 3rd car accident.  We tried everything this past year to keep her from driving, but she is a strong, stubborn woman.  I think her insurance company will say enough is enough.  At least the decision will not be made by us which is  a very good thing.  Her mental health is declining rapidly and will be a major focus for us in the new year.

My brother-in-law this month was told by his oncologist that he has graduated from 3 month visits to 6 month visits!  Last December my sister was diagnosed with cancer.  She went through chemo and radiation this past spring and summer and she is doing well!  She looks amazing!

This past year brought me back to fifth grade after a year teaching fourth grade.  I am teaching writing to the fifth graders.  This is new and I am learning a great deal and am enjoying it.

We had amazing vacations to Florida to visit my sister, Bar Harbor,  Watch Hill Beach in R.I. and Plum Island in MA.  We spent a  family Christmas in Puerto Rico.

Lots to be thankful for including SOLS community.

About showgem

I am a wife, a mother, a fifth grade writing teacher, a sister, a daughter, a sibling, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a co-worker, a yoga practitioner, a learner, a reader and a writer.
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4 Responses to Reflections on the Year

  1. Sounds like you had a sweet, complicated year. Wishing you health and happiness in 2014.

  2. elsie says:

    It has been a year of challenges, but yet accomplishments. You made me laugh with the idea your daughter is friends with clutter. I’m afraid I’m on speaking terms with clutter too. Happy New Year Meg, I hope all your family members continue to get good news.

  3. Peg D says:

    Glad to hear your family members are beating the war with cancer. Prayers that continues. Sorry about your mother-in-law. Luckily my mom realized it on her own but I have a good friend who is going through what you are. Unfortunately she and one of her brothers live in the same town as their mom and will be facing the same issue. Not a happy place to be. Prayers for strength. And congratulations on reclaiming your nest. 🙂

  4. blkdrama says:

    Good luck with your life challenges in 2014.

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