
After a day at work and a grad class I walked into the house immediately greeted by my daughter’ s complaints about her dad.  I stood listening without comment knowing that I needed to remain neutral, but appear compassionate, as her tirade continued.  In my head I was thinking they are like a brother and sister, each trying to get under each other’s skin.  Later, my husband filled me in on his perspective of the evening.  Fortunately, maybe because the holidays are approaching, maybe because I had a good day at school, I  did not get annoyed with the situation.  Instead I watched feeling like an outsider seeing the humor and the love they have for one another.

About showgem

I am a wife, a mother, a fifth grade writing teacher, a sister, a daughter, a sibling, an aunt, a cousin, a friend, a co-worker, a yoga practitioner, a learner, a reader and a writer.
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3 Responses to Relationships

  1. blkdrama says:

    Always something, right? All good when you can stay calm through a tirade 🙂
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. elsie says:

    Always two sides to a story. Kind of nice not being drawn into the middle once and a while. Have a wonderful holiday.

  3. Ellen Spears says:

    Sometimes it is nice to be just an observer.

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